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“I wanted to email you and thank you for “Ear Stuff”. My springer Flash has suffered with ear infections almost constantly for the last 2 years.
He has been treated with antibiotics and steroids, had to be sedated twice for both ears to be flushed out. Whilst initially his symptoms eased, within a week he would start displaying signs of infection again. Following his last ear flush the vet advised us to consider having his inner ear canals surgically removed. I was devastated that they could even suggest this and in desperation turned to “Stinky Stuff”, I have to say I held out little hope. To my absolute amazement and delight, following 2 weeks of daily use his ears are clear and I now use as a preventative treatment twice a week. I cannot endorse this product enough, my dog is living a happier life, although I think the vets will miss our regular contribution to their coffers. Thank you from Flash and me!

 Sue Poole


“We have only been using stinky stuff for a week or two and have noticed a massive difference already! I really do recommend stinky stuff!! (Photos of my pony showing the results using STINKY STUFF)” 

Leanne Rowlett

“We have struggled with smelly yeasty ears for years and have never been able to find something suited. However Ear Stuff has been amazing! Her ears are now clean and fresh and no head shaking or itching”

Rob Cringle

“Thanks for this fantastic product ,
Before and after photos taken 4 days apart following a nasty head abcess “.
Kats cradle cat rescue

“Millie came in with a really sore oozy patch and no one could work out what it was or what caused it. After just 10 days using Stinky Stuff there was a remarkable difference the skin was no longer angry and gooey. After approx. 6 weeks the area had seen hair regrowth and you would of never of known how sore it had previously been.”

Daisy Heron

“We started using this product in the summer for our dog Max when he had allergies and haven’t looked back.
He itches less, his ears irritate less and his coat is so shiny!
We give it to him in his food once a day and he even refuses to eat if we forget to put it in!
Great product and I recommend to anyone who has an itchy dog.
Reasonable price for the bottles and they last a long time.”

Claire Mosley

“100% recommend the ear drops! Look at the difference. We now have a very happy beagle!” 

Lauren Vose


“I’ve only recently started my Frenchie on Stinky Stuff Food Stuff. After trying so many different things. All of which either didn’t work or made his skin worse, I wasn’t hopeful.
Omg. Wow is all I can say. He’s only been on this for just over a week and the difference is amazing..he’s stopped itching and scratching. His fur is growing back and it’s so soft and shiny. Finally I have found the answer. Thank you Stinky Stuff, you have made my Frenchie a very happy boy!”

Jennifer Barrett

“I cannot tell you enough how thankful I am for your products! We’ve had a very itchy boy for over a year and have done everything we could to help his skin. I was at my wit’s end because he had so many infected hotspots because of gnawing at his skin. Someone recommended this to use and I can without a doubt say you’ve changed his life!
He went from being a happy boy to super sad because of his skin! But using this for 2 weeks along with the cone of shame, his skin has healed up nicely and no more itching!!!”


” It’s been almost a year , daily antibiotics antihistamines steroids salt baths weekly visits to the groomer for a medicated bath for over 4yrs,  change of diet pre pro post biotics everything washed in ultra sensitive products coconut oil salmon oil colloidal silver CBD numerous medications.  We spent life savings and now have  debt because of the endless appointments with various specialists. Then after hours of internet searching I found the food stuff on offer and decided to try it . Absolutely the best thing I have ever done ! After 4 weeks I could start to actually see the difference and he definitely felt it . The scratching eased dramatically his appetite came back the sores started to heal the decaying flesh smell disappeared. He’s now on week 5-6 and we honestly can’t believe the difference. His skin is smooth for the first time in years , His fur is growing back sprouting up everywhere.”

E Marshall

“I don’t normally leave feedback but I’ve just got to say this stuff is amazing my dog was suffering from a really bad skin flare up vets gave us steroids and other drugs which made him worse/naggy and just not his lovely self I bought your dog stuff as a last resort and omg its cleared it up in days and my boy is nearly back to his old self what amazing products thankyou so much I’m never going to be with out a tub now”

Tracey Malcolm

“This is the working progress with the cream I ordered off you for my cat..his skin was in a really bad state nothing I got from the vet worked in fact it just made his skin worst…but look at the diffence now its still not 100% but I am getting there.
I can’t thank you enough you have shown me and my boy Basil there is light at the end of the tunnel” 

Nikki Dyer

“I cannot rate this stuff highly enough, my dog had a severe ear infection, the vets said it was a really bad one, they administered a solution in his ears on Saturday and put him on abx and steroids, I already had stinky stuff for ears but he hated eardrops so it was a battle but after this I decided to persevere, started using the drops Sunday and this photo is from 3 days of using stinky stuff eardrops, it has cleared up so much and getting better by the day, I have also ordered the food stuff, dog stuff and shampoo base today as I believe it might have been an allergy, he’s not scratched since using it, I will be making sure this is his weekly routine now, the vets wanted to see him in 2 weeks as they were talking about anaesthesia and washing his ears out as it was that severe, I don’t think that will be necessary now thanks to this amazing product, thankyou so much 😀” 

Clare Rogers

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